Since 1998, FOCUS has worked tirelessly to support young people, their families and communities. We develop innovative and engaging programmes that empower young people to overcome lives obstacles and to achieve their full potential.
Did you know that over 40 percent of children in Leicester are living in poverty? That is over 37,000 youths whose families struggle to afford essentials like food, shelter and clothing.
These young people will be running our country and making the money in our economy. They are the decision makers of tomorrow. We as individuals and business have a duty of care for our next generation. We must support young people to find their voice and be the positive changes they want to see in the world.
Over the past several years we have seen a huge rise in the number of young people accessing our services. We are bursting at the seams with schools, social services and other voluntary sector organisations all feeling the squeeze from funding cuts and services disappearing. The demand for our work has never been so high!
There is not a ‘one sized fit all’ solution to meet all these young people’s needs. It is often that they just need that somewhere to go, someone to talk to and something positive to do. And that is what we want to be able to offer more of.
Whether you are an individual or a business there are lots of ways you can help.